:: Our Interventions ::


The initial stage onwards Kripa has been working for the wellbeing of the community especially the women and children.  Kripa conducts discussions and classes for women and children on Tuberculosis, adolescent health, malnutrition, health & hygiene, drug- de- addiction, government schemes related to health and HIV/AIDs,  intuitional delivery, antenatal and prenatal  health etc. Kripa promotes cultivation of vegetables for their needs. Kripa has formed 113 adolescent groups to organise the adolescent girls and to give them health education. Kripa could work among the severely malnourished children for their better health. Saathi, the unit of Kripa is working exclusively on HIV/AIDS related programmes. It mainly works for the prevention, care and welfare of the HIV infected and affected people in the community. Two boardings are functioning to provide health care and to give quality education to the children. More than 2500 infected people are registered under Saathi. Four hundred infected people are directly benefiting from the Saathi through IP and OPD services and supplementary nutritious items. Saathi is in direct contact with 61 infected children and 164 affected children who are getting educational support from Saathi. Under the Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission Programme Saathi could help 31 pregnant women to give birth to negative children. Saathi has formed 12 self help groups for the infected people. Awareness programmes are conducted among the general public, school and college students, drug drivers etc. Rapid test programmes are conducted in the communities to identify new HIV cases and suspected people are taken to ICTC for further tests.  Positive people are given counselling and assistance to get registered in ART centers for further treatment.  Every year, rapid tests helped Saathi to identify more than 80 new cases. Saathi also facilitates the infected people to tap government schemes. 

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